Student Senate Resources
Here you can find some of our resources that we wish to provide to you, the students.
Student Health Insurance
We noticed that students are confused about what our Student Health Insurance covers, so after we held a few information sessions, we now present an official Resource Presentation on all things Student Health Insurance!
Event Funding
Every semester, the USS funds events and projects by both individual students and student orgs.
BIPOC Student Resources
In 2020, the USS began compiling this list of resources, including anti-racist organizations across The New School, mental health resources, financial resources, and bail fund information. If you know of a resource that could benefit our community, let us know and we will add it to the list.
University Resources
Here you can find some University-Specific resources that we wish to provide to you, the students.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email us and we’ll connect you to the right resources.
Office of Student Support
Student Support works with students to help them navigate non-academic challenges, distressing experiences, and crisis situations. We listen to students' concerns and work with them to develop a support plan. As student advocates, we offer various forms of support to students and The New School community by providing support and advocacy, connecting students to resources, and managing incidents involving students.
The Lang Office of Civic Engagement and Social Justice fosters a culture of social justice that is recognized and reinforced on the individual and collective level among faculty, students and staff and reflected on our campus and communities. We design, facilitate and support justice-centered learning communities and produce curricula, projects, events, and dialogues.
Financial Support Resources
Students sometimes face financial difficulties during their college career that may affect not only their academic life but also their ability to meet their basic needs. The university and the New York City community offer a number of resources to help students address these challenges.
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union functions as an empowered body that advocates on behalf of all Black students on campus. Our mission is to provide a safe space for students to express their views about current events, academics, and cultural affairs. Concerned with the recognition and understanding of the diverse needs of the Black community at The New School, the Union aims to be a group that provides support, discussion and solutions to The New School. Offering a support system to underclassmen and graduate students, addressing social and political issues, we are a community of strong voices and people. instagram
MixGen is the main organization for stewardship of the Student of Color Space and all the issues, resources, and events that involve the space. MixGen’s goals and mission is to empower and offer resources and community for the Students of Color, maintain the order and integrity of the Students of Color Space and its affairs, to act as the chief liaison between the Students of Color Space and the school, and serve as a non-affiliated advisory group of the Students of Color at TNS. instagram