The Funding Period will Re-Open Fall 2024


The USS Welcomes Funding Proposals from All Students and Student Organizations.


To our applicants - thank you for your support and patience! This was a year of trial and error as we expanded our funding opportunities in an unprecedented way. As we wrap up our mandate and transition our work to a brand new Senate, we will be taking time to reevaluate and revamp before we return in the Fall. If you have any unresolved issues regarding your proposal, please message directly!


The 2023-2024 University Student Senate

Welcome to the Funding Hub! This is your centralized location for everything you need to know about seeking funding from the USS. Before you browse through our current roster of funding opportunities for Spring 2024, please diligently review all relevant sections of this page. Thank you for enriching student life at The New School! - Your University Student Senate

23-24 Funding Roster

23-24 Funding Roster ↯

  • The USS Material Fund supports students engaging in creative endeavors that just need that extra bit of support to make their projects happen.

    Need a fabric to experiment with that is out of your budget?

    A few canvases short to make your installation happen?

    Missing some books that would be helpful for an essay?

    The Material Fund is here for you. Students can apply for up to 300-500$ of funding per academic year regardless of program or school. To apply, follow the requirements listed below and be prepared to answer the following questions at your funding meeting: What is the concept behind your project? How would the USS Material Fund be able to make your project flourish? What are your current funding resources and their limitations? What are the goals of your project?

  • The USS Academic Fund is dedicated to supporting the long-term academic and career development of New Schoolers. Growth takes time, and the Academic Fund is here to aid you in ensuring that you can meet your goals at each stage, whether it is a thesis, conference, or portfolio.

    Students can apply for up to 500-1000$ of funding per academic year, and it does not have to be connected to a class you are taking. To apply, follow the requirements listed below and be prepared to answer the following questions at your funding meeting: What are your long-term goals for this year, and how do they relate to your academic/career plans? Do you have a timeline for these goals? How will the USS Academic Fund be able to support you in meeting these goals at these stages? Have you requested funding from your school or department for these plans, and what was the response?

  • The USS Community Fund is our hallmark longstanding funding source for Independent Student Groups, Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), and Individual Student Initiatives. As long as your proposal is accessible to all New School students and focused on community-building, anything is possible, whether it is a concert, panel, or simply food for weekly club meetings.

    RSOs are eligible for up to 5000$ per academic year, Independent Student Groups are eligible for up to 3000$, and Individual Student Initiatives are eligible for up to 1000$. To apply, follow the requirements listed below and be prepared to answer the following questions at your funding meeting: What are your other sources of funding, and how will they be allocated? What are your plans for the funds you are currently requesting? How will your proposal benefit the entire New School community? How will you ensure that your proposal builds community for the long term?

Create Your Proposal

Create Your Proposal ①

  • ALL APPLICANTS must provide a presentation document (PowerPoints should be converted into PDF format) and budget sheet (Excel preferred but any format welcome as long as it is legible, NO SCREENSHOTS PLEASE) in a Google folder created at the designated location in the USS Finance Google Drive.

    Please note that you must clearly identify which fund you are applying to. ONE FUNDING MEETING, ONE PROPOSAL, ONE FUND. Budget sheets must contain clear and concise totals and breakdowns of all funding requested. You must indicate the name of your group and/or event in the name of your Google folder. We do not accept proposal documents sent via email. All required documents MUST be submitted 24 hours before your scheduled funding meeting. NO MODIFICATIONS will be allowed after a funding decision has been made. As funding meeting availabilities are limited, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND properly preparing documents in advance to avoid having to reschedule your meeting.

    RETURNING APPLICANTS MUST submit an Executive Summary containing ALL REQUIRED SECTIONS. For more information about the Executive Summary, scroll down to the Executive Summary section.

    Please note that you will not be eligible for Spring semester funding if you have already been approved for the full amount in the fall.


  • MATERIAL FUND APPLICANTS must identify a class your proposal is associated with in your presentation document. The instructor’s signature is not required. However, if publication and/or exhibition is one of the end goals of your proposal, you must identify the USS as one of your funding sources in its description/acknowledgments section.

    ACADEMIC FUND APPLICANTS must identify an area of study or University Department your proposal is associated with in your presentation document. If you are requesting CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE FUNDING for more than two students, you MUST apply through the Community Fund. Any publications and exhibited artwork generated from the Academic Fund must indicate the USS as a funding source.

    COMMUNITY FUND APPLICANTS must include the USS Logo in all promotional materials. Community Fund projects MUST be community oriented and open to the entire community. Community Fund applicants that are Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are subject to additional regulations such as the on-site coordinator signature. For more information, including how to become a Registered Student Organization. Please visit this document and direct any questions to


USS Funding Meetings are 20 minutes long and operate on a packed schedule. Please arrive on time and ensure your presentation is between 5-10 minutes. We are unable to accept your application if you arrive more than 5 minutes after your meeting has started. After your presentation, we will place you in a breakout room. Don’t worry! We’re not going anywhere. Our Senators will briefly discuss the merits of your proposal before voting. Good luck!

Submit your Executive Summary

Submit your Executive Summary ③

  • An Executive Summary has three purposes: 1) It is a review of the challenges you faced in accomplishing you proposal and a place to provide feedback for the ways student life on campus can be better supported; 2) It is a record and legacy of your efforts during the semester that can serve as an inspiration for future student leaders; 3) It provides accountability to the student body, whose funds have been entrusted and allocated to you.

    Executive Summaries must be uploaded to your original proposal folder and contain all required. sections according to this example listed below. Please email the Finance Committee at once you have done so.

    For Individual Student Initiatives and Material Fund Applicants: you must submit your Executive Summary no later than three weeks after the end of your project.

    For Academic Fund Applicants, RSOs and Independent Student Groups: you must submit your Executive Summary no later than three weeks after the end of the semester.

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions ?

What is a USS? What is an RSO? What is an SLI?

We are an acronym-heavy school and they can be confusing! To put it simply, an RSO is a Registered Student Organization that is a special category of student groups on campus managed by the Department of Student Leadership and Involvement, or SLI. Student groups can register as RSOs through SLI in order to unlock the highest tier of funding for the Community Fund, supplementary financial resources, and receive additional administrative support. The USS aka the University Student Senate, works with SLI to create the framework for this additional support, but our allocation process remains fully independent and open to all students and student groups. Even if you are not an RSO, you can still apply for funding as an Independent Student Group or Initiative if you have a community oriented project that is open to everyone, or through the Material and Academic Funds if you have a personal project.

When is the deadline?

The deadline for all three funds is April 5. However, we do not recommend using the deadline as an indication of when to apply. The more important factor is turnaround time. There is an average turnaround time of two weeks from approval to funding allocation. Additionally, the range of expenses we can reimburse after your event is limited if you have not sought prior approval on your proposal from us. As such, it is the timeline of your project that matters more.

I got approved for funding! What now?

Congratulations! Approved funding proposals will receive a confirmation email from the Finance Committee outlining your next steps. Please note that proposals marked as ‘pending’ must resolve all outstanding concerns brought up in your funding meeting in order to receive the entire requested amount. You will also receive an email from your designated staff member based on the type of your proposal.

For RSO and Independent Student Groups, your staff contact is Gilles Stromberg (

For Individual Student Initiatives, Academic and Material Fund applicants, your staff contact is Jose Gomez (

I have an event scheduled in a week! Can you please approve my proposal?

As much as we love supporting student life, we are a fully student-run organization at the end of the day and physically do not have the ability to hear funding proposals 7 days a week. Trust us, even if we do, all funding allocations are still subject to a two week turnaround time. As such, we are unable to hear emergency funding appeals and only have limited capacity to accept last minute funding proposals. Our advice is to prepare your documents early and schedule your funding meetings as soon as they are announced to expedite the allocation process.

I don’t really know how much funding I need. Why don’t I do some rough estimation to meet the maximum amount?

We highly discourage applying using budgets that are in large part based on estimation and contain excessive requests for spare, miscellaneous, or unspecified categories of funding. As the custodian of a valuable resource funded solely by our students, we take our responsibilities seriously. Please note that we reserve the right to audit your expenditures and request proof of compliance at any point after approval of funding. If you are found to have utilized less than 30% of your requested funding before the last quarter of the semester or failed to disclose additional funding sources, we may reallocate your remaining funds.

Why didn’t get approval for x, y, and z? I met all the requirements!

Unfortunately, the USS is subject to US Law regulating higher education. We are currently unable to fund certain requests, despite how little sense it makes, because we are legally barred from doing so - but we are working on it.

Edited by Linfei Yang; Director of Operations 2023-2024
